Beware, Drones Need Control!
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The CEO of the UK Flight Safety Committee, had said that some folk buying drones from shops are causing serious problems.
He said “my interest is in the safety aspect; there is considerable concern within the aviation industry about the unregulated use of drones”
He went on “It is accepted that professional users who obtain the necessary permissions and who operate responsibly, and those who belong to one of the model aircraft associations, are less of a problem than the casual user who buys a drone from retail outlets and who have no concept of the airspace structure or the regulations pertaining to drones”
Continuing he said “We are concerned that the rapid proliferation of drones and their uses presents a significant risk to other users of the airspace, in particular to commercial air transport and helicopters”
“We have already seen some near-collisions between drones and large passenger aircraft, and there has been disruption to traffic flows at a number of major airports and consequent costs arising from delays, diversions and cancellations of flights”
“It is in everyone’s interest for this sort of activity to be properly regulated and managed. We do not allow people to use roads without appropriate training or licencing; the same principles should apply to users of shared airspace”
So there you have it, the toy element would now be causing problems way beyond what we could have assumes
You wonder in the future whether there will be lines in the sky directing drone traffic flow with stop lights even maybe yellow lines!!!
That’s not really fair I appreciate as it’s clearly becoming a real issue.
So when next you’re thinking of buying a drone and looking to test its capabilities, please be aware the higher you go with it, the more potential chance there is of causing a serious problem by default.

Robert Marshall
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